Contents of JSA Vol.4 No.3 (1998) 385 - 495


A way of metrological electro-optical analysis (in Japaneses)

Lecture: Practical Surface Analysis

Accuracy of Measurements - General Terms of JIS, Uncertainty of Measurement and Inter-laboratory Tests - (in Japaneses)


Issues in Peak Location by Polynomial Function for XPS (in Japaneses)
On the Charge-up Effect of XPS (in Japanese)
Electron Probe Microanalysis of argon in Sputter Deposited Films (in Japaneses)
High Resolution Auger Depth Profiling of SiO2/Si Multilayer Thin Film

Technical Reports

Introduction to Common Data Processing System Version 5 (in Japanese)
Advanced Peak-Fitting of Μonochromatic XPS Spectra

Technical Documents

File Structure for Spectral Database (in Japanese)

Topical Reports

Discussion on SASJ mailing Group (in Japanese)
On the round Robin of Peak Parameter Estimation in XPS Conducted by Powell et al.(in Japanese)
Chemical State Analysis in Depth Profiling - Factor Analysis and Least Square Fitting -
Analysis of Auger Depth Profiles with LOGIT (in Japanese)
Making of ”Surface Cleaning Method for InP, InAs, and InSb Wafers” - The inside story - (in Japanese)
Some Unsolved Problems in XPS Qualitative Analysis
Determination of the Electron Spectrometer Transmission Function by the Bias Method (in Japanese)
Application of Self-organizing Maps (SUM) to the Round-Robin CoNi Alloy Spectra Data - By that, is it possible to see the characteristics of the measurement instruments ? -

Bulletin Board

Table of Organization and Their Abribiation

Minutes of Working groups

7th meeting of Database Committee
11th meeting of Organic Materials Group
11th meeting of Inorganic Materials Group
11th meeting of Metal Materials Group
11th meeting of Electronic Materials Group
Regulations of SASJ Regulations of Program Committee, Database Committee, and Editorial Committee Journal of Surface Analysis: Guide for Authors