Contents of JSA Vol.3 No.3 (1997) 533 - 737


Proposal for the Direction of Surface Analysis Society of Japan

Lecture:Practical Surface Analysis

Derivation of Energy Loss Function from XPS Background and Related Topics


Application of Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) to the data of Chemical Analysis and the Surroundings of SOM

Papers (Paper from The 3rd Powell Prize Poster Presentation)

Neutralization Method of Diifferential Charging on Non-monochromatized X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Analysis
Results of Round-Robin Test on Energy Scale Correction for XPS Spectra
Results of Round-Robin Test on Intensity Scale Correction for XPS Spectra
Round-Robin Test on Energy Scale Correction for AES Spectra
Some Attempts to Enchance the Accuracy of AES Qualitative Analysis
Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry of Oxide Layers Formed on the Surface of Silicon steels
Simulation Data of Valence XPS of Polymers by MO Calculations Using the Model Molecules I.Hydrocarbon-Polymers and Polymers containing,O-,CO-,and OCO-Groups
Formation Mechanism of Indium Microcrystals on Ion-Bombarded InP Surfaces

Technical Reports

SEM Observation of the Surface of the InP,InSb,and InAs Wafer after Ion Sputtering
Modification of Surface Composition with Ion-Sputtering
Sputtering with Reactive lons - Auger depth profiles of GaAS/AIAS Superlattice structure obtained with 02+ ion sputtering -
Sputtering by Focused lon Beam

Technical Documents

Manual for Describing Items in ISO Format Used in the Network Database (Revised Version)


SI Units

Topical Reports

Effects of Vacuum Conditions on Energy and Intensity Scales of Auger Electron Spectroscopy
The Determination of Alloy Compositions and the Spectra Identifications by Self- Organizing Maps (SOM)
Can hydrogen be observed in an energy analysys?
Auger electron spectra of alloys and synthesized:Fe-Ni's
Many Electron Effects on Core-Level Electron Spectroscopies
Backgrounds of the Sensitivity Factors of Auger Electron and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopies

Salon in SASJ

Discussions on Internet

Bulletin Board

How to use mail group "SASJ"
Conference Report:PSA-97/Powell Prize/Symposium on "Recent Progress of Local and Trace Analysis"

Minutes of Working groups

8th and 9th meetings of Organic Materials Group
8th and 9th meetings of lnorganic Materials Group
8th and 9th meetings of Metal Materials Group
8th.9th,and ad-hoc meetings of Electronic Materials Group
4th and 5th meetings of Database Committee
4th and 5th meetings of Database Committee
Journal of Suface Analysis: Cumulative Author Index/Contents of Volume 2